April 28- May 6th, 2025
Ever dreamt of the ultimate aquatic escape, unlike anything you’ve ever experienced? The Galapagos Islands are your dream destination for an unparalleled voyage into a world that time has forgotten. A true once-in-a-lifetime trip.
June 1-6, 2025
Join world-record holding marathon swimmer Andy Donaldson on a trip for swimmers that love to go far, with swims up to 10km per day. Swim at the famous Whitehaven beach and other islands and bays in the Whitsunday’s, with incredible sightseeing during your open water swims. Suitable for swimmers who can hold 1:45 or faster for 4km.
June 8-13, 2025
Experience the magic of the Whitsunday’s as you explore the famous Whitehaven beach, and other bays and islands filled the vibrant coral and sea life. 2-4km swimming per day.
September 1-6 & 7-12, 2025
Spend five days in paradise transforming your swimming and enjoying some of the most beautiful swimming locations you could imagine.
October 5-11 – 2025
Held at the world class training facilities of Thanyapura in Phuket, Thailand, you’ll be blown away with a week of fun, exercise and dining in paradise!
October 12-19 – 2025
Set against the backdrop of the Maldives’ stunning turquoise waters and pristine islands, this experience combines expert coaching, breathtaking swims, and a deep connection with nature. Swim 4-12km each day with Olympic gold medallist Sharon Van Rouwendaal.
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Brenton and Mitch were great to work with at the clinic, Good to get video analysis to work on straight away, practice some new drills and go home knowing what you need to work on.
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