5 Things All Swimmers And Triathletes Can Learn From Katie Ledecky’s Freestyle

Kate Ledecky breathing

[three_fourth_last]Katie Ledecky smashed the women’s 400m freestyle world record last week in a time of 3:58.86. Here’s our top 5 freestyle technique takeaways from the swim. 1. Don’t Hang Around (While Breathing) This image shows Ledecky after taking a breath. She’s gets her breath quickly and returns her face back down right away. Her lead […]

How to Stop Pulling Across Your Body In Freestyle

It is one of the most common mistakes in freestyle where a swimmer pulls across their body and is crossing over their midline with their hand and arm. There are two main causes of crossing over the body; the first one is keeping your arm straight in your pull through rather than bending your elbow […]

How to Swim Higher in Freestyle

If you have ever been told by a coach to get your hips up what you might have done is bent at the hips and stuck your bum up higher in the water; therefore your bum is higher but your legs are dragging. What that does it creates more resistance and more drag than what […]

Why Swimmers Have A Bad Training Session

There’s usually three reasons why your training times are off if you’re not swimming well in training.  And that is either you are sick, fatigued or inflexible.  And I just want to focus on the third one for the moment:  the inflexibility.  Now it’s usually one of the main reasons why swimmers’ times are off […]

The Distance Trap

Don’t get caught in the distance trap where you’re more focused on how far you do in a training session than what you do in a training session. Unless you are training for the English Channel, an ironman or a long distance event, then you are better off focusing on what you do in a training session […]

The First Step To Improving Your Technique

Every time a swimmer comes to us for stroke correction, the first thing we look at is body position. There are a number of drills in the Mastering Freestyle program focus on that. 00:10 – How to Improve Your Technique 01:22 – Good Technique Starts With Good Position 01:28 – Athletes Are Like Light Switches […]


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Brenton and Mitch were great to work with at the clinic, Good to get video analysis to work on straight away, practice some new drills and go home knowing what you need to work on.

Alex McFadyen
