This 3-month training plan is an overview of the next 3 months of training that I will be doing with the squad that I coach. It’s preparing for a 1.2km open water race which is the main open water event of the season.

So if you’ve got an event coming up in the next couple of months, if it’s an open water or its a long-distance event, then this is a good guide to follow.

Click here to download the 3 month training plan

Upgrade and get all of the workouts via our private Facebook group below:

Its got the training phases that we’re going through and the target kilometers that we’re going for for the week.  And if you want to get a little bit more of detail, in terms of the exact sessions that we’ll be doing for the next 3 months, I’ve set up a private Facebook group where I’m be posting the workout from every session into the Facebook group so the members of that group can see what we’re doing and follow along and do the same sessions with us if you choose.

So it’s good if you’re a triathlete, a swimmer or you just want to improve your fitness for the next 3 months.

Now if you’ve got any questions, any clarifications or anything in the training plan, then just put it in the comment section below and I’ll get back to you and help you out where you need help. But if you want to join the private Facebook group, it’s only $10 a month for 3 months.  You can cancel anytime and I’ll give you access to this private Facebook group where I will be posting a picture of each of the workouts that we’ll do for the next 3 months.

So if you want to learn more about what a master squad is doing leading up to these kinds of events or if you want some extra workouts for your own workouts for your training, then this is a good thing to join.  As a community we can go through the workout sessions–improve our fitness, improve our speed and we can get a whole lot fitter and have a lot of fun together as we go through these workouts in the next couple of months.

2 Responses

  1. I was looking at your 3 month swim program geared at preparation for the 1.2km open water swim. Is the total mileage per week I’m seeing between 16 to 18 km? As it is I can barely squeeze in enough time to swim 1-2 km each session two to three days a week ( this takes at least an hour). I also run three to four days a week and ride two to three days per week ( when I’m in preparation mode for a tri). While I appreciate that you need to be in the pool more to improve, I also work full time and have a family. Because of this, I have accepted that my swimming is my weakest link but I honestly would love to improve( I swim 100 m repeats in about 2:20 but I can do 100 flat out in 1:40). I do triathlons at an amateur level but I’m always having to catch up on the bike and run, and I keep placing in the top ten but best to date is 4 th. is there any hope for me?

  2. Hi Rory,

    Yep that’s 16-18km per week. It’s based on 4 90 minute sessions a week. That distance is for our top group, where the slower group will do about 3/4’s that distance.

    If you’re smart about what you do in your sessions you can still gain good fitness and technique.

    Email me a video of your swimming and I can take a look for you if you like.

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Brenton and Mitch were great to work with at the clinic, Good to get video analysis to work on straight away, practice some new drills and go home knowing what you need to work on.

Alex McFadyen
