On the weekend I was part of a team that did an Olympic distance triathlon. One of the main things that I got from this is that people will generally work harder for other people than they will themselves. For example in this team I did the swim leg and I worked my arse off because I didn’t want to let the other team members down. I wanted to do my best for them and I didn’t want to be embarrassed by a poor swim or by not pushing myself the whole way.

0:13 – Athletes Perform Better in Teams
0:28 – Can You Be Part of a Team
0:50 – Find Other People to Train with or Compete Against
0:58 – Perform Better with Effortless Swimming’s Membership Program

The Team Advantage in TriathlonHow can you use the advantages of being a part of a team to help your training to help your races? Can you join a triathlon team? Can you join a swim team? Can you find friends of yours that will help push you and not let you get away with going to easy in race? If you can find other people to keep you accountable keep pushing you and keep training yourself harder with them, then it’s a good way to get more out of yourself.

In  Effortless Swimming’s Membership Program our members keep themselves accountable, they post their race successes they post about their training. If you are out there on your own training then our online coaching program is a good way to go about keeping yourself accountable and seeing other members that you can push yourself along with. It is also a way to stay part of a community that will help you get that team spirit and team advantage. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world you can still get that team spirit and team advantage.

I am Brenton Ford, this is Effortless Swimming, see you next week.

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Brenton and Mitch were great to work with at the clinic, Good to get video analysis to work on straight away, practice some new drills and go home knowing what you need to work on.

Alex McFadyen
