I know that when I haven’t set a goal for the next couple of months to train towards it is very difficult to get myself off to the pool to get training. If there is nothing to look forward to then there is really no reason to get yourself out of bed early in the morning or to get yourself to the pool after a hard day’s work.

A friend of mine emailed me about an event coming up in October which looked like a good event. I have booked in for it and now I have something to train for and it is much easier to get out of bed and motivate myself to go to training.

I want to hear from you about what is the thing that you are training for at the moment?

What is the event you are targeting and what is getting you out of bed early in the morning?

So write it in the comments below and I would love to hear from you and hear what you are training towards.

70 Responses

  1. No event as a goal for me. I’ve been swimming for a little more than a year. I’m 43 years old and I just wanted to find a gentle, time effective workout and I wanted to learn how to freestyle. I’m use to being in the water cause I’m a former dive instructor. However it took me half a year to learn how to swim freestyle somewhat proficiently. I took me another half a year to be able to swim 1000 m without pause. My goal for this year is to learn how to flipturn and to be able to swim 50 m under 30 seconds. I’ve done it in 40. I’m a father of three so I can only swim for 30-60 min twice a week. Getting some time on my own is motivation in itself. I’m focusing on kicking better, ’cause I’ve noticed that my leg propulsion sucks =)

  2. Shepparton 70.3. To date my longest tri distance is the Sprint. When I registered for the 70.3 I felt both scared witless and excited……is that possible?!

  3. Good job Brenton, you are exactly right! I am in “rest” mode following IM Melbourne just over 3 weeks ago and the snooze button is getting a bit of a work out. Next goal firmly in place now and the brain attitude chnages that come with that 🙂

  4. I registered for Ironman Arizona on November 2013. Goal is to lean out and lose 35 lbs. I am down 20 lbs and 15 more to go. I love the swim video and workouts. 18 months ago, I couldn’t swim more than 400 yards without stopping. My goal is to swim the 2.4 miles in 1 hour 15 minutes.

  5. I’ve done quite a few major events, triathlons, adventure races etc’ ….. When my mates ask me what I’m training for, my answer is ” Life” …. No major vents on h horizon, but staying if and healthy so tat I can enjoy life and all it has to offer s enough reason to get up and train.

    Thnx for your fantastic swim training tips, I think I’m improving (:-).

  6. This year I will be doing my first Olympic distance tri and several after that. However, what actually gets me out of bed are the people with whom I’m training and the sense of accomplishment as I finish each training session and notice gradual improvement.

  7. September 22nd, 2013…..Ironman Lake Tahoe, baby!!! 🙂 First Ironman distance race ever at 40 years old! Super excited to accomplish this innaugural race in gorgeous Lake Tahoe, California. Your instructional videos have been fantastic to help me improve my swimming efficiency. Thanks, Brenton!!
    p.s. Any advice for swimming at altitude? (Other than “breath more”?) 😉

  8. Training for Ironman Lake Placid, 70.3 World Championship, and Ironman Florida. Swimming is my nemesis and I keep hoping for a breakthrough, but just can’t stand it. I hold my own in spite of myself.

  9. My big event goal is the Go Ruck Beached event where you are in the water most of the weekend. I assume carrying a rucksack!

  10. Brenton, You’re so right…register for a race and you are motivated to train. Two reasons come to mind…1. You don’t want to show up on race day and finish last, ie suck, 2. You don’t want to waste your money paying for something you’re not going to do (all races being nonrefundable). Appreciate the great tips and encouragement

  11. I WANT TO SET A TRIATHLON WORLD RECORD!!!! Right next to the Cowboy’s!!!! But 1st….do a Tri in 8:46:00 🙂

  12. I am aiming for my first open water swim race. A small race about 1mile along the shore. I tried once and got scared. I need to work on stamina and like andrija gain some weight so that I can practice more.

  13. My big goal is always whatever race is next – and (as long as I register in time…) that means: The Boston Charles River 1-mile Open Water Swim. I’ve never done it, but it’s June 1, which is brrrrrrrr cold here in the Northeast! The goal: beat my 1-mile open water swim time from a couple of weeks ago in Miami. Completely different courses and conditions, but that’s my goal.

  14. Geelong long course and Melbourne Ironman…..will be my first races back after having my baby son and my first Ironman!!

  15. 10K open water swim. I live in Santa Cruz and I want to do what used to be called the pier 2 pier swim. I need to be consistent in my open water training to work my way up to that distance. It will be with a kayaker guide and I need to practice periodic nutrition breaks and a steady pace to comple the swim in water that is typically in the 60s in august

  16. I’ve been swimming and doing open water swims, badly I might add, for about 13 years now. Started running 3 years ago and lost about 45 kg. I did my first sprint tri and full marathon, ING New York, in 2011.
    When I saw that a couple of hard core triathletes, in our neighbouring province, was organising a first ever Ironman distance tri, I signed up! I trained and did my first Ironman distance tri, Epic Iron Dartmouth, http://epicdartmouth.com/ , last year at the age of 53. Finished it in a time of 14:47:54. Cut-off time was 15 hours.
    Had so much fun I decided to do it again. It will be held on June 30th. Although the swim is in a small lake, and the course is far from being challenging, I still need all the help I can get to do that 3.8 km swim!
    I’ll also be doing a 1.5 km swim as part of a team relay the following weekend and want to do well for my team mates.
    Next year, I want to do a 10 km swim in lake Ontario that I had attempted and failed badly to do in 2010.

  17. Goal this year was to do 10 Sprint Triathlons culminating with the Bend Leadman Triathlon this September here in Bend, Oregon. So far so good. Two under the belt, one this weekend.

  18. Rottnest Channel swim solo. 19.7k. Trying to maintain as much efficiency in my stroke as possible as a tiny loss on each stroke over 6 hours will add up!!!! Fear of not making it certainly makes the desire to get in simple. That and the fact I can escape my 3 kids for an hour or 2 and then enjoy a cuppa with mates after.

  19. Stay healthy , an not to gain too mutch weigth . The other goal is is a long way ; be the first in Luxemburg to swim the English-Channel!!.

  20. Mooloolaba 70.3 with no pool in town over the winter! Am planning to train in the dam until it gets too cold.

  21. I have got my first 5k swim event coming up very soon and then my first ever Aquathlon four weeks after. I am very excited about both.

  22. My goal is plain-and-simple: spend the next 3yrs(including the past 15months) training towards qualifying for the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games in the new Para sport of Paratriathlon.

    I have several motivating factors to get me out of bed every morning for training. The dream of being on that plane to Rio drives me forward every time I have any doubts about training, days with low motivation, wet weather etc etc…

    All the sacrifices will be well worth it!

  23. Ironman Wales Sept 8th, my first IM. Just coming to the end of week 10 of the Don Fink intermediate plan. Swimming is my weakest discipline so this web site has been useful.

  24. Have registered for my first triathlon at the end of June. I’m a 43 year old mother of 3 small boys and I work full-time so time is precious. To this end I started cycling to work 3 weeks ago, 45 mins there and 45 mins again in the evening. The swim is my major problem!!! Can’t do 100m without stopping, bit I have my goal and I’m working towards it 🙂

  25. I want to swim the IM in the masters meet in October 2013. I don’t know to swim the butterfly & my timings for the 50m free – 1 minute, breast & back – 1.5 minutes 🙁 . I am 55 years old & don’t have a coach or training partners & have to learn everything myself. Not much swimming here in India.

  26. I’m fighting the ageing Demon! Have been running for a few years and arthritic knees stop me from doing any more than 10 km. From a sporting life I want to keep going forever. 51 years old. What are my chances of completing a small triathlon before I’m 55? Lets try and work on it.

  27. my goal is to make children here in madagascar like swimming
    but it’s not so easy because it’s already difficult to eat so …….
    but i try and do my best
    i hope it works one day or another

  28. I have been swimming (learning) in the pool since November. I had one lesson. I am watching your videos, reading and slowly learning. I am still just doing 25s and my goal is to be able to do 100 yrs by July. I am having a hard time with breathing. The rythm of it. I have the breath, but can’t seem to get into a groove. I am swimming at least twice a week. I was in the pool every day this week and one day i didn’t swim because there wasn’t a lane so I worked out with water dumbells. I am going to learn this .

  29. I am a 46 year old age grouper returned to the pool/swimming 3 years ago. I have done the Sept LaJolla Rough Water 1 mile three times now. The first was about overcoming fear in an open water swim and just finishing. Progressively open water has become a passion. My goal this year is to break 30 minutes. Last year I hit 30:28 and was so close. Mostly due to swimming a bit straighter lines. Somehow the 45-49 masters bracket is the fastest in the whole race LOL, soooo the answer is swim faster!

  30. My goal is to improve on last years perf. at the 70.3 Championships in all three disciplines. I’m already qualified again so with Swimsmooth I’m sure I can improve on my slow swim.

  31. My overall goal is to compete again. No racing in 2012 due a combination of injury and unexpected life events. This all led me into a pretty unhealthy lifestyle, too much time at the bar and not enough time training. I’ve made the committment to myself to get back to consistent training and God willing some races. Your videos have been great reminder, and I appreciate the tips on technique. I’ve targeted a race in July, an Olympic distance race Tri-Waco in the heat of Texas summer that destroyed me in 2011. Cheers!

  32. I am an event slut…..I need those events to keep me going. Wildflower Olympic in May; Vineman 70.3 in July, then going to try an Xterra sprint; a couple of Olympic and sprint tris in September and October with a few century bike rides thrown in…..all working toward Ironman Texas 2014. Everyday in the pool or at the lake I try to focus on my swimming technique. And in the back of my mind I think, since I didn’t learn to swim until I was 50, I would like to do some kind of swim event. Yep, that would be a kick. That would show that ANYONE can learn to swim at any age.

  33. I’ve entered the Creek Safari Swim in July which is 5.2km . Then the River dart in September which is 10km. I’m not a brilliant swimmer . At the moment it takes me 2hrs 20 minites to do 5km in the pool. I’ve been swimming about 4years. I try to concentrate on my technique. I have had video analysis but the course made me feel bad about my swimming as I was the slowest on the course and I need to feel positive. I am 58 . I love the way long swims make me feel it’s almost meditation. In fact I just love water!

  34. I’m doing Racine Half Ironman in July – Racine, WI. I’m 46 and this will be my first HIM and swimming is definitely my weak link. I fractured my leg last summer so I needed something that was far beyond my comfort zone to get me refocused. I haven’t done a tri at all in 5, maybe 6 years. This will be the biggest race I’ve ever done!

  35. After 45 years without swimming I began to practice it again two and a half year ago only with the purpose to relax and enjoy the pool. But in my club they organized a competition with other clubs in march 2011. In this event I found a friend who continue swimming and he convinced me to enrol in his Master team and I decided to joined them. I have not being in a competition in a very long time and I had to knew and practiced a lot of things, like the correct use of the arm and hand, how to make the output in the competition, how to control my fear….
    But I’m very happy because en two years I earned 39 medals, 26 of then gold medals and I also participated last year in 3.000 meters open water.
    Now I’m practicing to participate in new competitions this year and they give me the motive to wake up very early every morning, raining or not. For first time in my life I’m going to swim 800 meters next week, in free style.
    I’m training about 3.000 meters every day.
    I’m a female of 60 years old and ¡¡¡very happy because I Iove to swim¡¡¡
    Sorry if there is some mistake because my native language is Spanish.

  36. Ironman 70.3 Racine, WI. My first half ironman. July 21, 2013. Looking forward to it!! I love your videos and tips because swimming is where I need improvement. I’ll start open water swimming next week!

  37. I have been a “non swimmer” all my life but attracted to water since I can remember… After finally taking up swimming (and with your help) I am determined to complete a proper masters race and hopefully win a medal or two while I’m at it!!

  38. First of all ,,, thanks for all the tips! They are so helpful! for me as a “new swimmer”. I have been a runner for over 45 years and I finally signed up for my first TriForFun … just around the corner on June 1. The tips have helped me focus on the little things that make a big difference in my swimming. My “free” coaches at the community pool say they have noticed the difference. Wish I had a job so I could join up for your full training program. Well angin thanks…and God speed.

  39. So right Brenton. I only started to swim last winter and since Christmas i’ve been struggling, sitting on the edge of the pool at 5.30 wondering what on earth i’m there for. Don’t know if i’ll do an event (bit shy and i know this sounds weird and stupid but i get terribly sea sick when i swim – worse when the lanes are busy: more waves). So need to figure out a personal goal. ?? Suppose it’s distance thing. Definitely need a goal or i’m gunna fall in a hole! 🙂

    PS – very inspirational reading all the responses. Love it!

  40. Brenton – I started competing in the sport of triathlon 4 years ago and instantly became addicted! Funny how life changes and priorities change…… For my 40th Birthday my husband took me to Australia for 3 weeks (love watching your videos and seeing familiar sights) and when asked what I wanted to do for my 50th, I told him I wanted to train and complete an Ironman! Well, I started training in September, turned 50 at the end of January, and I am currently training for my first Ironman which is being held on June 23, 2013 in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. With just 9 weeks to go, training has really ramped up. It’s an amazing experience seeing just how much ones body can do and overcome!

    In addition, I train with 35 other “nut bags” with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s – Team In Training program. While training, we raise money for research for blood cancer and other forms of cancer. Together to date the 35 of us have raised $170,000.

    I’ve sent your link to many of my IronMates who have challenges with their swim and they are extremely grateful!!! If you’d like, please feel free to donate to my website as I still have a ways to go on my fundraising.

    Warm Regards,


  41. After doing the swim at the Cobra 70.3 in Cebu last year, my big goal is the Vineman 70.3 this year. It’ll be my first in this distance. Love the tips!

  42. Great Elise! Whether your goal is to a competition or a personal goal it doesn’t matter – something is obviously motivating you to be there at 5.30 in the morning 🙂

  43. Have you built another room at your house to put all of your medals? 😉

    3km a day – amazing Mildred!

  44. Enjoying the swim is far more important than being fast – best of luck Lynne!

  45. Good luck Lindsay! Both great events, I’m a sucker for aquathons, they’re great fun.

  46. Good luck Charlotte! Such a great event over there. I know what you mean about enjoying some quiet time training and a coffee afterwards, it’s good feeling 🙂

  47. Will be doing Ironman Louisville in August this year, my first IM! Started swimming with a master’s group in mid-January, the first time I’ve ever had swim instruction as an adult (I’m 38). My swim is my weakest discipline, and though I have strength and endurance, my form and technique are not great. Master’s has really helped with that, but I feel like I have a long way to go. Would like to do the IM swim in 1:15. Did a half IM this past weekend in 5:29, good enough for 3rd place overall on a windy, somewhat hilly bike course. But my swim was almost 38 minutes–the two women that beat me were out of the water almost 10 minutes faster. So it is a work in progress! I really enjoy the videos you post, clear and informative. Thanks!

  48. I’m training for the Versailles Sprint Triathlon (it will be my first tri ever!) in mid-May in France (it’s on the castle grounds!) My goal is just to complete it and then do another one in July and see improvement in my times and fitness the second time round! I train with an English speaking tri team in France called ExpaTRIés who recommended your videos. 🙂

    I’m a beginner swimmer and cyclist (but as a runner, cycling definitely easier to pick up than swimming), but motivated to master the swim!

  49. I am training for the Aust Master Games, early October…..Looking forward to some PB’s, ….
    then besides Ocean swims over summer….. I am struggling to find any pool comps….

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Brenton and Mitch were great to work with at the clinic, Good to get video analysis to work on straight away, practice some new drills and go home knowing what you need to work on.

Alex McFadyen
