Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to analyze the strokes of over 8,000 swimmers and triathletes, ranging from beginners to elite professionals. Throughout this experience, I’ve discovered the key factors that set fast, efficient swimmers apart from those who struggle to improve.
In this video, I’ll be sharing the most valuable lessons I’ve learned from analyzing swimmers of all backgrounds worldwide. I’ll debunk common myths and misconceptions often heard around the pool deck and reveal what truly makes the difference between a smooth, efficient swimmer and someone battling their way through the water.
1:07 Strava Is A Lie
02:47 Ignore Most Advice
04:01 Most Adults Overthink
05:28 Swimming Is Not Running Or Biking
06:27 The Harder You Try To Force Speed, The Further Away It’s Going To Get
07:01 Confidence Comes From Seeing Small Improvements
08:24 Your Catch Is The Same In All Your Strokes
09:04 Look At The Things That Will Actually Move The Needle
12:36 We Are Own Harshest Critic-Nobody Cares
14:08 Swimming Is As Much Mental As It Is Physical
15:37 Swimming Is Like Watering Seeds
16:49 From Aerobic To Muscular To Aerobic
17:43 You Just Need To Do The Work
18:21 We Need Reminding Of Things More Than We Need To Learn New Things
20:31 Focus On Fundamentals
21:16 It Will Take Longer Than You Think
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