In this video I am going to share with you some smart training hacks for you to improve your triathlon swim training. In the recent triathlon world championships held in New Zealand, one of our swimmers who uses the Effortless Swimming Workouts won his age group in the 45-49 years age group for Olympic distance triathlon, making him the world champion in triathlon for Olympic distance for his age group. I interviewed Russell Smith in the latest episode of the Effortless Swimming podcast which is at and I asked him about how he has been using the Effortless Swimming Workouts as part of his training.
00:06 – Smart Training Hacks
00:28 – Listen to the Latest Podcast
01:41 – How to Use the Workouts Effectively
02:27 – Visit
The difference between some normal workouts that you might have done before and the Effortless Swimming Workouts is a few. The first one is if you are doing a very short warm up and then going straight into main set you usually miss out on being able to get the most out of your main set; if the body is not warmed up, if the heart rate is not up then it can take a long time to get going in your main set and you miss out on the benefit of that. Whereas if you are warming up for longer and you are using some drills and doing some kicks, some scull and changing your pace up in the warm up then you are ready to go for main set. You can get the actual benefit out of the set for what the set is designed for. If you are doing 20 x 100m’s where every fourth one is fast it might take you ten of those to warm up if you are not doing a proper warm up.
One of the other things is if you are doing all of your training just with pool buoy and paddles then you are going to build up a bit of strength but you are going to miss out on some of the feel of the water. If you are doing everything with paddles and pool buoy then it is not the ideal way to improve your swimming.
On the podcast Russell shares how he uses the workouts in his own training program, he is emailed the workouts every month, prints them off takes them to the pool and goes through the workouts. There is no need to take 15-20 minutes to think about what you are going to do for the session and it makes it much harder to second guess yourself or take the easy road and jump out early. If you have the program in front of you then it is much easier to follow through, finish it off and work hard in the workout because it has been set by someone else. If you set it yourself I find the same thing, it is much easier to jump out early and take the easy road. The Effortless Swimming workouts are good if you train by yourself or if you are a coach or if you are just looking to find a different kind of structure for your workouts if you are not happy with what you are currently doing.
Check out that podcast with Russell Smith at as he shares some good insights into how he uses the workouts as part of his training program and how he set himself up really well in the swim of the world championship race that allowed him to go on and win that event.
That’s it for news this week. I will see you next week.
What is a “really good warm up”? i do 500m with 5x15m sprints after 300 easy and build the pace over the distance. Is this enough? Cheers
That will normally be enough and the 15m sprints are excellent for getting the body ready to race by raising your heart rate.