This week we will look at –  “Is there a secret sauce to become a better swimmer”.  We’ve also got a technique workshop coming up in Melbourne which we’ve got the dates to watch out for at the end of this video.

00:17 – Is There A “Secret Sauce”?
00:51 – Why The Fundamentals Don’t Change
01:18 – Melbourne Workshop

The “Secret Sauce”

Quite often I’m asked what’s the secret to become faster at swimming? Is there something that Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte know that I don’t know? But if you look at the success of all top swimmers and top athletes, there is no surprise that they’ve gotten to where they are – they have done the hard yards, they have done the right things and they have got the right team of people around them to help them get to where they got to. If you are wondering what that means for you then if you do the right things and you do the hard work and you have the right information then you are going to improve your swimming. That’s why with our products we teach things that will work for you today and 2 or 3 years down the track and into the future.

It’s like in The Mastering Freestyle Program, how we go through body position, head position, pull, kick. We teach you each of the different elements that make up a good stroke. There are things that you would constantly be working on and improving over the next few months or the next few years. From time to time we recommend different things that will help you with your training and with your swimming like different pull buoys, paddles, GPS watches. But we are never going to recommend things that are short term solutions to improving your swimming and getting faster.

Melbourne Workshop

We have got a workshop coming up in Melbourne where we are going to go through some of those fundamentals that will make you a better swimmer. This is for triathletes and open water swimmers. And if you are wondering how you can come along at this workshop, there is a form at the bottom of this video on the website where you fill in your name, your email address and in the next couple of days, I will send out an email to let you know the details of this event so if you are interested in coming along, fill in your name and email address below and get those details sent to you very shortly.

It’s happening mid-December, 2012 in East Melbourne. It’s the only workshop we’re running this year.

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Brenton and Mitch were great to work with at the clinic, Good to get video analysis to work on straight away, practice some new drills and go home knowing what you need to work on.

Alex McFadyen
