How To Win A Double Ultra Triathlon with Rait Ratasepp

How To Win A Double Ironman Event with Rait Ratasepp

Today’s guest is Rait Ratasepp. Rait is a member of  Effortless Swimming Membership Program – our online swim coaching community. He just completed the Double Ultra World Cup in Hungary and won in convincing style. It’s a double ironman distance triathlon. In this podcast, we cover his training, the things he focused on for his swim and […]

The Pointy End of the Field

Swimming Tip Pointy End of the Field

The Good Thing About Being Slower If you are a swimmer who is may not be as fast as you’d like to be then the good thing is that you have a lot more room for improvement. Swimmers at the pointy end of the field find it harder to improve because the improvement is much […]

The Shotgun Approach to Training

Shotgun Approach to Swimming Training

If you look at what the top swimmers do in their training, they focus their training for one event in particular.  They won’t use the shotgun approach where they target the 1500 freestyle, the 100 butterfly and the 400 medley all at once. They target their training towards one event. If you’re racing a number […]

Three Ways To Do The Same Set

Swimming Tips

Next week I’m taking my squad through a “hell week”. Which is one week of very, very challenging training where we increase the intensity and we increase the duration of our main sets. We also add an extra session in there. The reason that we do this is because with one week of solid training […]

The “Gentle” Entry

Swimming Tip: The Gentle Entry

This week you will notice the video is a little bit different to what we normally do. The reason is I am going to show you a video that I have just posted in our online coaching program. We are looking at increasing stroke rate; a lot of swimmers can struggle with because they are not […]

The “Fake” Catch

What could I mean by the fake catch? I have spoken a little bit about this in our online coahing program this week as well. Quite a few swimmers enter at an angle like that rather than keeping their hand flat there. The reason why some swimmers do it is because entering like that means that […]


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Brenton and Mitch were great to work with at the clinic, Good to get video analysis to work on straight away, practice some new drills and go home knowing what you need to work on.

Alex McFadyen
