In the first article I covered why my squad now does the majority of their warm up with fins on. If you missed it you can read Part 1 here.

This article is about the type of fins we’re now using and why I’ve had my whole squad change to them.

I’ve tried several different fins over the last 18 years. It all started with a pair of orange and blue dive fins which were simple but got the job done. Then came the change to ‘short’ fins which were designed to make you work harder. So we cut off the ends of our dive fins.

Over the last 2-3 years I’ve noticed many pairs of fins being too fancy for their own good. Designers of the fins had forgotten what the point was; to improve a swimmers performance and technique.

I had almost written off the use of fins because there wasn’t a pair available that could properly replicate a swimmers normal kick. It wasn’t until I used the DMC Training Fins that I changed my outlook of using fins in training. It’s no surprise many of the Australian Team swimmers are using them including the 100m freestyle world champion James Magnussen.

Why DMC Training Fins Are Better

1. Balanced Up and Down Kick – The fins are designed work both the up and down kick which helps build strength in both directions of your kick. Unlike some fins which ‘slip’ during the upward phase, the DMC fins hold water on the fin allowing you to get more from your kick.

DMCFINS2. Maintains Stroke Rhythm and Timing – Because DMC fins are short in length with a wide base, it doesn’t alter your stroke timing while still providing good propulsion. When we used the old orange and blue dive fins when I first started swimming, we were constantly changing our stroke timing when we switched between wearing fins and not wearing them. You really notice it when you’re doing sprints with the fins because with the DMC fins your arms and legs work together.

3. Your Body Position Doesn’t Change – Most of the fins I’ve tried either sink your legs 5-10cm below your optimum position or float your feet to the surface. The good thing about DMC fins is your feet sit just below surface where they should be when you’re swimming.

4. Comfort – The heel strap and silicone material that the fins use are much more comfortable than other fins I’ve used. Forget wearing socks to avoid blisters…you won’t need them when wearing DMC fins.

5. Swimmers Love Them – Every swimmer who I’ve recommended them to has fallen in love the fins after trying them. It’s difficult to explain the difference without experiencing it for yourself. I’m a convert.

Where To Order

You can buy DMC Fins from


8 Responses

  1. Hi Brenton, I would like to order some fins for my daughter who is a competitive swimmer and has a ladies size 8 (pink) shoe, my son who is a boys size 6 (green). I would like a pair for myself, a mans 11 (black). I cannot work out your sizing though. Can you please assist. Thanks, Greg.

  2. Hello Brenton,

    I really like to order the DMC fins but I live a bit further away.
    Can you please sent them to the Netherlands with the extra shipping costs?

    Thanks, Reinier

  3. Hi Reiner

    Shipping costs will be quite expensive (about $80) from Australia but I’m happy to send them if you like. I can’t offer an exchange on sizes if they don’t fit though sorry.


  4. I’m a size 12 US and 46 Euro, would the XL’s be too big based on what you’ve seen? would it be better to be more snug or have a looser fit?


  5. Thanks for the article. I’ve been complaining about my fins for so long. I can’t swim freestyle with them since they throw my strike off. So I just use them for kicking and swimming one arm fly. Your article touched on so many of the things I have found wrong with various fins over the years. I just ordered a pair and I can’t wait to try them. I hope the med-large (42) fit since I currently wear 40-41.
    Thanks so much for the article, it came at the perfect time for me!

  6. Brenton,

    Great articles thanks for the tips and explanations – much appreciated

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Brenton and Mitch were great to work with at the clinic, Good to get video analysis to work on straight away, practice some new drills and go home knowing what you need to work on.

Alex McFadyen
