USA Swimming’s “Pull” Presentation

I posted a link to a presentation in Effortless Swimming’s Membership Program which USA swimming did on pulling through and the biomechanics of the pool. I’ve got to say it’s one of the best presentations I’ve seen on pool. It covers where you should be pulling through in each different part of the stroke and what are some of the common angles, some of the common positions of some of the top swimmers when they’re pulling through. So, in our online coaching program, I have posted that link and I have to say it’s one of the best presentations I’ve seen so check that out if you are a member.

00:05 – USA Swimming’s “Pull” Presentation
00:32 – Are You Training Too Hard?
00:51 – TEAM!
01:02 – Freestyle Catch
01:15 – Punch & Flow
01:45 – Listen to the Nutrition Podcast

Are You Training Too Hard?

This week, we covered, “Are You Training Too Hard” in your slow aerobic sessions. So when you’re meant to be going easy, are you going a little bit too fast in your training sessions to get the benefit of slow aerobic work. I found that doing slow aerobic means that you’ve got a better fitness based to work from in your races and in training.


We also looked at the team advantage of being part of a team and how much that can benefit you because you’re willing to push yourself harder for other people than you are yourself.

Freestyle Catch

The other video we talked about the initial catch in freestyle where we talked about some drills that will help you get the initial catch and that feel of the water at the front of the stroke which is so important, if you wanna be out to feel the water and pull through with power.

Punch & Flow

In triathlon news this week, we looked at punch and flow in your freestyle. So when you’re swimming in open water and it’s choppy, you might be better off using the technique which has a bit more punch and flow. So you’re entering the water with a little bit more force and you’re riding at your strokes. So one stroke is faster and the other stroke you glide a little bit longer and you kind of ride at that stroke, It’s more of a low-key technique that you see Michael Phelps swim with a bit. And what that means is you can be in control of your stroke rather than being pushed around by the chop and the waves.

Listen to the Nutrition Podcast

I also interviewed Steph Lowe who is a triathlete here in Melbourne. She’s also a Nutritionist.  I find some of the recipes at and I’m hooked to some her ideas on eating and some of the changes that she’s recommended for diet.  So if you’re looking for food to increase your performance in triathlon and swimming, then check out the Natural Nutritionist and check out the podcast at I think it’s one of the best interviews I’ve done for the podcast because Steph shares some really good stuff for changing your diet. So check out the podcast, I highly recommend it.

That’s it for swimming news this week. I’ll see you next week.


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Brenton and Mitch were great to work with at the clinic, Good to get video analysis to work on straight away, practice some new drills and go home knowing what you need to work on.

Alex McFadyen
