How To Avoid Over Rotation In Freestyle

Clayton Fettell Underwater

In freestyle rotation is a required element of your stroke. But too much of it kills your speed, power and can slow your stroke rate to below your ideal cadence. At our freestyle clinics we provide in-depth video analysis of your stroke. One of the key aspects we look at is the shoulder rotation. When viewing […]

How To Achieve A High Elbow Position In Freestyle

The most important flexibility test that we have our athletes undergo is streamline test (aka combined elevation test). It’s the best indicator of a swimmer’s ability to achieve a high elbow position during the pull phase. The video above has been taken from the Art Of Triathlon Swimming – watch as Australian swim team physio Helen Walker […]

[How to Fix] Trying Harder But Not Swimming Faster

Swim faster

This week I’ve got a challenge for you. I want to challenge you to try what I’m about to talk about. To see if you can get an increase in speed by trying this one thing. In the next few weeks we’re releasing the Effortless Freestyle DVD which we’ve been working on for the last couple of […]

How To Breathe To Your Opposite Side In Freestyle

When you are looking to breath to your other side in freestyle, sometimes it can be challenging because most of the time you’re used to breathing in to one side and the other side, you haven’t got that practiced and sometimes isn’t as comfortable as it is breathing to the opposite side. So if you […]

Why Swimmers Have A Bad Training Session

There’s usually three reasons why your training times are off if you’re not swimming well in training.  And that is either you are sick, fatigued or inflexible.  And I just want to focus on the third one for the moment:  the inflexibility.  Now it’s usually one of the main reasons why swimmers’ times are off […]

The Distance Trap

Don’t get caught in the distance trap where you’re more focused on how far you do in a training session than what you do in a training session. Unless you are training for the English Channel, an ironman or a long distance event, then you are better off focusing on what you do in a training session […]


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Brenton and Mitch were great to work with at the clinic, Good to get video analysis to work on straight away, practice some new drills and go home knowing what you need to work on.

Alex McFadyen
