Melissa Urie is the first woman to complete 895km Uberman Ultra-Triathlon. In this podcast episode, she shares her experience during the race, doing training, and getting through the race with the use of mental strategies to survive the tough times.
5:22 Training For Uberman
10:23 The Power of A Positive Mindset
12:43 Proving Yourself That You Can Do It
13:51 Building Your Confidence
17:29 Giving Up Is Not An Option!
19:15 Post Race: Mental And Physical Recovery
25:24 Moving Forward By Going Back To Basics
29:18 Finding Identity Outside Of Sports Is Important Too
31:47 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
40:52 Training Session Management
43.24 Combat Decision Fatigue With Better Mental Habits
46:48 How To Trick Yourself Into Doing The Hard Things
55:00 What Keeps You Going?
Melissa Urie
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